
Learn More About the Pitbull Poodle Mix

This is one of the rarer mixed breeds we have ever researched. This mix should not be overlooked as it is a fun-loving, energetic dog breed made by combing a Pitbull and a Poodle.


Learn More About the Labrador Pitbull Mix

Most Pitbulls get turned into mutts, which means they have simply been mixed with some sort of other dog breeds. In this case, this is a Labrador Pitbull Mix. This can tone down the aggressiveness of the Pitbull by mixing it with a Labrador. Find out more here.

Corgi Pit

All About the Corgi Pitbull Mix

Pitbull mixes are very popular; you can find various types of mixes all over the world. The Corgi Pit is a mixed breed that is a Corgi and a Pitbull mixed together. You can learn more about this mixed breed here!

Pitbull English Mastiff Mix

All About the English Mastiff Pitbull Mix

Do you love large dog breeds? What about extra large dog breeds? The English Mastiff Pitbull mix falls in this category. To find out more about this cross breeds temperament, exercise requirements, and suitability, click here!

Best Shampoo for Pitbulls

Best Shampoo for Pitbulls

Pitbulls love to play and have a lot of energy. With all that energy, your Pitbull is bond to get dirty. Here we have the answer to the best shampoos for Pitbulls that you can use to get your dog clean.

Best Pitbull Toy

Best Pitbull Toys

Some dogs are constant chewers from puppy age, even into adulthood. Pitbulls are one of those dog breeds that like to destroy things. Getting your dog one of the best Pitbull toys from my list can occupy them for a while. See the top Pitbull toys here!