Dog Holding Toothbrush

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath in Dogs

Typically a sign of bad breath in dogs could be the first sign of a significant medical issue. It is essential to know why your dog’s breath stinks and how to stop it.

Can Dogs Drink Alcohol?

Can Dogs Drink Beer, Wine, and Other Alcohols?

You may have cracked open a beer from time to time and looked down to see your lovable dog staring back at you. Did you ever wonder if you can share that beer with your dog? Let’s talk about this topic!

How to Fatten Up Dog

How to Fatten Up a Dog

Many dogs around the world are too skinny. Many people who try to fatten up their dog actually make them gain to much weight making an unsafe weight gain. I have some helpful tips and tricks to help you fatten up your dog in a safe way.