There are many fruits and vegetables that our furry friends can try. Is jicama one of them? Can dogs eat jicama? This article will explore what a jicama even is and if your dog can eat it safely.
We will tell you everything you need to know about the vegetable the jicama and if your dog can have it as a tasty snack.
What Is Jicama?
Jicamas belong to the bean family. It is a root vegetable that is native to South America and Mexico. You may have heard about this strange vegetable before and often heard it called by many other names such as the Mexican yam or potato.
The only part of this plant that can actually be eaten is the fleshy root part. Before eating, you should scrape or use a peeler to remove the rough skin.
Jicama contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, and nutrition you need for a healthy diet. One slice of raw jicama is 40 calories.
Can Dogs Eat Jicama?
Yes, dogs can enjoy this wonderful but odd vegetable, but there is a catch. Your dog can consume only certain parts of jicama.
The jicama has a lot of different parts. Each part can be used in a different way, and each will affect your dog differently.
The fleshy part of the jicama is completely safe for your dog to eat. However, it is imperative that you do not give your dog the seeds inside, skin, leaves, or the plant’s stem.
The plant and the outside skin could contain some pesticides from the farmers, which would be very harmful if your dog digested it.
Whenever you introduce a brand new food to your dog, you want to do it slowly and in small amounts. Even though it is safe for your dog to consume jicama, you never know if your dog may have an allergic reaction to the new food.
Can Dogs Eat Raw Jicama?
Yes, you can either give the jicama to your dog in a cooked or raw form. It is very important before you feed your dog jicama raw that you have removed the leaves, seeds, and skin from the outside.
Your dog may not like the taste of the jicama in the raw form. It can also be quite difficult to chew when it’s raw.
When serving your dog, make sure you cut it into smaller bite-size pieces; that way, it’s easier for your dog to digest and chew.
Is Jicama Good for Dogs?
Yes, jicama is very nutritious and healthy for your dog. The vegetable itself is low in calories and full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Jicama is also full of fiber which can be very beneficial if your dog has digestive issues. This can also be a curse as well because it can make your dog slightly gassy.
Fiber does help your dog’s metabolism run faster, so this can help if your dog is overweight or even obese.
Below you will learn all about the amazing health benefits jicama can give your dog.
Jicama Health Benefits for Dogs
The jicama has many health benefits for humans and dogs. Below are some of the amazing benefits your dog will get when it eats jicama.
Fiber – Dogs that need more fiber can greatly benefit from the jicama’s increased amount of fiber. This will help your dog’s digestive system and make your dog’s poop firm up.
Potassium – Potassium is very important in older dog health. Many dogs can suffer from high blood pressure, and potassium can reduce that. This will reduce the chances of heart disease in your dog.
Iron – Vegetables usually have a high amount of minerals in them, which are extremely important for the body.
Vitamin C – Vitamin C is also a very important nutrient for your dog. This will give your dog’s immune system a boost. Jicama is one of the best and safest vegetables your dog can eat to get its daily dose of vitamin C.
There are other vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants inside the jicama plant that can greatly improve your dog’s health.
How to Prepare Jicama for Dogs
You can choose to either leave the jicama raw or cooked. When you first serve your dog jicama, only give it a small amount at first to ensure your dog isn’t allergic.
Some symptoms of an allergic reaction to new foods could include:
- Skin Irritation
- Rashes
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
If your dog exhibits any of those symptoms above, you shouldn’t feed your dog that specific food anymore. You can always take your dog to a veterinarian to make sure your dog is exhibiting a food related allergy and not something else.
Remember when you prepare the jicama that you do not season it. Most seasoning we use on our food are actually toxic for dogs. Give your dog either a raw or cooked slice that is plain.
How to Cook Jicama
There are a few different ways you can actually cook jicamas. The main method people do is bake it like a turnip or beet, but you can also boil or pan fry it.
Boiling is the quickest way to cook jicama. All you need to do is wash the jicama thoroughly, peel off the skin, and deseed and destem the vegetable. You can put the jicama into the boiling water and cook for five to six minutes.
Pull the jicama out or drain it into a bowl and let it cool completely. Once cool, you can slice it into strips and then bite size pieces for your dog. Remember that you do not want to add any seasonings to your dog’s portion as a lot of seasonings and spices are toxic to dogs.
Baking jicama is one of the slower methods as it takes quite a long time to fully cook this way. It can give the jicama a nice crispy texture that may be pleasing for your dog. Repeat the following steps to prep the jicama.
You can choose to cut the jicama into strips or even dice pieces up. Sprinkle a tiny amount of olive oil on your pan; that way, your jicama doesn’t stick and roasts easily. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees and cook for one hour.
Pan Fry
Pan frying is another method that can be effective in cooking jicama sticks. Again, same preparation method, and then get a pan and heat a little bit of oil on medium-low heat. Cook for a few minutes on each side.
Can Dogs Eat Jicama Leaves?
The leaves that are attached to the jicama plant are extremely toxic to dogs. You wouldn’t have to worry about the jicama leaves if you bought the jicama from the grocery store because they already remove that for you.
If you are growing your own jicama, you will need to watch your dog closely to make sure it doesn’t walk over there and start chomping on the leaves.
Now you know the answer to the question, can dogs eat jicama. Your dog will benefit from the amazing health benefits that jicama has to offer. Again, you should only be feeding your dog human food in moderation. You don’t want to replace your dog’s food with human food.
Did you know dogs can eat jicama? Have you ever given your dog this vegetable, or do you plan on letting your dog try it? Let us know in the comments down below.