Many dog owners are moving towards making their dog food and treats. Like with your food, creating and making healthy, well-balanced meals is very important. Chicken hearts are a very affordable meat option that can be made into dog treats or a meal for your dog. If you are wondering how to cook chicken hearts for dogs, look no further; I am here to help you. Cooking chicken hearts is very easy and can be done in multiple ways.

Can Dogs Eat Chicken Hearts?
Yes, dogs can eat chicken hearts, and this is a great lean protein that will provide your dog with some amazing health benefits. Chicken hearts shouldn’t replace your dog’s general diet. This is a nice switch-up and can be given to your dog occasionally but not daily.
Can Dogs Eat Raw Chicken Hearts?
Yes, dogs can eat raw chicken hearts. Raw chicken hearts are usually fed to dogs that are already on a raw diet. This brings your dog to a natural form of eating that their ancestors may or eaten. Make sure if you are going to feed your dog chicken hearts in the raw form that, you buy a high-quality product. This will give your dog the best nutrition and products without added hormones.
How to Cook Chicken Hearts for Dogs
There are actually many different methods that can be used to cook chicken hearts for your dog. Here you will see an explanation of how you can prepare chicken hearts in a few different ways. This is a very healthy food that you can give your dog that will benefit it greatly.
Boiled – Boiled chicken hearts is a very common way to cook chicken hearts effectively. It would be the best option to boil the chicken hearts in water without any seasonings. Boiling time can vary, so just make sure you cook it long enough until it is done.
Fried – You can also pan-fry chicken hearts as well. You can use some dog-safe oils such as olive oil, flaxseed oil, fish oil, or even coconut oil.
Air-fried – Did you know you can air-fry chicken heart too? Yes, you certainly can; again, make sure you are cooking with a dog-safe oil. You can cook them in there plain with oil or with a dog-safe, mild seasoning. Plain is always the best option. Cook for 10 minutes at 390 to 400 degrees. When done, pull out to temperature test and continue cooking if not up to correct temperature.
Baked – You can also bake chicken hearts in the oven at 400 degrees for around 20 to 25 minutes. Additionally, cooking time may be needed if the internal temperature of the chicken hearts is not at 165 degrees. This will create some juices in the pan you are cooking in. You can keep this liquid or get rid of it; that is up to you.
Dehydrated – This is such a great way to preserve food. Dehydrating takes all of the moisture out of the product and then preserves it longer than just in a cooked form. Dehydrating chicken hearts will make a wonderful dog treat.
Raw Form – Some dog owners are switching over to a raw dog food diet. This is not for everyone, but some dog owners do go this route. It is a more holistic and natural form to feed your dog. Although, you could feed your dog it in its natural form, you will have to consider the pros and cons of this for your dog.

How Long Do You Cook Chicken Hearts for Dogs?
The length of time you need to cook chicken hearts will vary depending on your chosen method. For example, Fry may be the quickest form of cooking chicken hearts, as well as air frying only spans 10 to 20 minutes of cook time. Make sure you periodically check the internal temperature to ensure it is done cooking.
How Long Should You Boil Chicken Hearts?
When cooking chicken hearts for dogs, boiling is one of the most common ways to cook chicken hearts. However, the time you boil chicken hearts will also vary. For example, some people add chicken hearts to boiling water, then reduce the heat and simmer for long periods.
Should I Cook Chicken Hearts for my Dog?
Yes, chicken hearts are very good for your dog. There are a variety of health benefits your dog will gain from chicken hearts. Be sure not to replace your dog’s entire diet with this but adding it in periodically will give your dog some variety in its diet and health benefits.

Health Benefits of Chicken Hearts for Dogs
As I said above, there are a variety of different health benefits that your dog can gain from eating chicken hearts. Check out these benefits below.
Rich in Vitamins and Minerals
Chicken hearts contain many vitamins and minerals that will benefit your dog, such as your eyesight, skin, and coat. In addition, your dog will gain some vitamins and minerals from eating chicken hearts: vitamin A, vitamin B, iron, copper, and zinc.
Good Source of Protein
Chicken hearts is a good source of protein for your dog. It can be eaten by itself or combined with carbs and vegetables to create a very balanced meal. This lean protein will help give your dog energy throughout the day and grow muscles.
Taurine is also found in chicken hearts and will support your dog’s heart function. This amino acid can help certain systems within your dog’s body. This will also help your dog’s cardiovascular health, brain, and even eye health. Taurine is very beneficial and is found naturally in chicken hearts.
Can Dogs Eat Boiled Chicken Hearts?
Yes, some dog owners wonder how to cook chicken hearts for dogs and come across the boiling method. This method can be used to cook this protein for your dog. You want to make sure you cook the hearts until the internal temperature reaches 165 degrees unless you are feeding your dog a raw diet. The texture of the chicken hearts will change slightly when they are boiled than when they are cooked in a pan.
How Many Chicken Hearts Can a Dog Have a Day?
Chicken hearts can be given to your dog by itself, or you can incorporate it with other ingredients to make a well-rounded dinner or meal. The amount of chicken hearts you feed your dog will ultimately depend on the size of your dog. A large dog breed of dog will eat more chicken hearts than a smaller dog breed.
If you are turning these into a snack or a treat, then a few chicken hearts will be enough for a large breed, and with a smaller breed, you can chop up the heart into smaller pieces. Then, if you want to give it to your dog as a meal, mix it with some healthy dog-safe ingredients such as rice and some sort of veggies.
It is important to know that chicken hearts should not replace your dog’s entire diet. Your dog should still eat other protein sources, but this is a great option for a switch-up in your dog’s diet.

Chicken Hearts for Dogs Raw or Cooked?
Your dog can eat either raw or cooked chicken hearts. There are pros and cons for both. Typically, people who do not feed their dog a raw diet currently will most likely cook the hearts and serve them cooked. However, you can give your dog chicken hearts in the raw form.
Raw Chicken Hearts – While giving your dog the raw form, it will contain more nutrients and vitamins. You will need to be careful with bacteria on the chicken hearts if you choose to give it to your dog in the raw form. This is a very natural form that most veterinarians recommend getting dogs back into a natural diet like their ancestors would eat. This is obviously based on your personal preference, and you can discuss this further with your vet if this is something you want to do.
Cooked Chicken Hearts – While cooked, chicken hearts, if cooked to the correct temperature, will kill off bacteria. Therefore, it will lose some of those vitamins and minerals and not be as nutrient-dense. However, this is still a great form to give your dog a very healthy food. Making your own dog food will be very beneficial for your dog, even if it is cooked and not in a raw form.
Now you have an idea of how to cook chicken hearts for dogs. You can do multiple cooking ways, and your dog will love the switch up from its regular dog food. Remember that chicken hearts shouldn’t be fed to your dog every day. Let me know in the comments below if you have ever fed your dog chicken hearts.