A Double Doodle is a hybrid designer dog breed that is actually combined from three different dog breeds. It is made up of a Golden Retriever, Poodle, and Labrador Retriever. You may be wondering how do you create a dog from three different dog breeds? Most breeders will create a Double Doodle by breeding a Goldendoodle and a Labradoodle together.
Doodle breeds have a huge following and fan base, so you may have a difficult time finding Double Doodle puppies for sale. However, below you will find a few breeders who can get you a Double Doodle puppy, but it may take a few months on a waiting list.

How Much Does a Double Doodle Puppy Cost?
A Double Doodle is a designer dog breed which means it is created with a purpose. These types of dogs are way more expensive than other dog breeds. You can expect to spend on the low side of $1,200 for a Double Doodle up to $4,000 on the higher side. Most breeders will fall into this category and will have a high demand for their puppies.

Where Can I Find a Reputable Double Doodle Breeder
Of course, there are a lot of breeders out in the world, but you will want to purchase from the most reputable and trustworthy Double Doodle breeders. Below you will find four highly recommended breeders who have Double Doodle puppies for sale.
Red Spring Farm
Red Spring Farm is located in Central, North Carolina. The breeder here is dedicated to producing and raising the following dog breeds, Goldendoodles, Australian Labradoodles, and Double Doodles. Their farm even contains more animals than just their Doodles. In 2015 the breeder decided to scale back some of the farm animals to give her dogs more of her attention.
Before even beginning to breed a new litter, the adult dogs have to pass a series of health tests to ensure that they are genetically healthy. The goal is to give you a healthy puppy that will become a very well-rounded dog.
All of their puppies start at $3,500 and go up from there based on different factors. They will give a rebate of $200 if your dog completes a training course of good citizenship. Since this breeder has a variety of females, they tend to have a few litters each year and always planning more.
If you want to own one of their Double Doodle puppies, you need to fill out an application to get approved. If you have ever checked out various breeders, most want an application to be filled out to own a dog.
You should definitely check out Red Spring Farm. They have multiple litters and so many cute dogs. You can view some pictures of their dogs here on their website: http://www.redspringfarm.com/
Cloud Nine Doodles
Here we have another family breeding operation located in the great state of Washington. This family actually lives extremely close to the Canadian border. They started raising various Doodle breeds in 2015 but raising and took care of other dog breeds for the past 35 years.
This breeder believes that the first eight weeks of your puppy’s life is the most important. Sally, the owner, makes the most of the time she has with each puppy training, socializing them, and through experiences. This creates a very sound dog that can do almost anything. Even after the puppy is given to you, the breeder will always be around for support if you need help.
They have a limited number of litters each year, so they will be limited on the puppies they have available. Before puppies or litters are even planned, all dogs get health tested to make sure they are entirely healthy. Dogs also see a veterinarian regularly to ensure they are routinely checked.
There is an active waitlist that is quite long. The breeder expects that the waitlist takes about two years to get through. Still, if you want a high-quality puppy from a reputable breeder, it will be worth the wait. To be placed on the waitlist, you will need to place a $300 deposit. Also, before you make a deposit, you need to fill out the puppy application and get approved.
You can start filling out the puppy application here: https://cloudninedoodles.com/

GoldenBelle Kennels
GoldenBelle Kennels is also run as a family operation. They also breed a variety of different doodle dogs breeds from the Goldendoodles, Labradoodles, Bernedoodles, and Double Doodle puppies for sale. Most of the dogs that they breed are in very high demand, which means you may have to wait on a waiting list for a few months before getting your new dog.
They have over 10 acres of fenced-in property that all of the dogs and other farm animals get to run and play on. In addition, dogs are raised inside of a kennel that is exceptionally clean and spacious. They do this for a variety of reasons, but their number one reason is for safety.
This also allows them to plan their breeding’s and not have accidental breeding’s. The dogs are very comfortable in their own spaces and still get plenty of attention and love.
As a breeder, they are dedicated to creating and raising very high-quality dogs. All of their dogs are healthy, have amazing temperaments, and will make the perfect family companion. All puppies get full health checked by their local veterinarian before going home to you. You also have the option of microchip your dog too.
You will need to fill out the puppy application to get approved by the breeder. The breeder only wants her puppies going to very reliable and responsible homes. Once approved, you will get instructions on how to place a deposit. Check out more information here: https://www.goldenbellekennels.com/
Crockett Doodles
Our final recommendation for a breeder that has Double Doodle puppies for sale is Crockett Doodles. Crocket Doodles started as a dream of owning dogs and starting a breeding business, and it turned into a reality for this family. It started off with the family looking for a perfect family companion, and that led them to the Goldendoodle.
After a long search from a reputable breeder, they wanted to help further the breed and help others acquire their dream dog. They had a huge demand for their puppies and couldn’t keep up. Some clients asked if they were going to expand to other Doodle breeds, and they were able to with the help of some guardian homes.
Now today, they work with a variety of families who breed various Doodle breeds. In addition, they have a team of people who oversee all operations from daily care, health, application process, and even match making. All of these things work together to get you the high-quality puppy without having to wait years to get one.
They have a system that needs to be followed to get your own Double Doodle puppy. First, you apply online through their application. Then, you need to wait to receive approval before placing a deposit. After a deposit is placed, you will be on a waiting list and get matched while waiting. Finally, when your dog is old enough to go home, it will be adoption day. Then, the dog can be picked up or shipped to you.
Check out so much more information about this breeder here: https://www.crockettdoodles.com/

Double Doodle Rescue
Now I wasn’t able to find a specific Double Doodle rescue, but there are a variety of different Labradoodle and Goldendoodle rescues that I would recommend that you check out. That does not mean that they will have a Double Doodle, but it would be in one of those if they did. Traditional rescues in your state or hometown will be very difficult to find a Double Doodle in.
Let us know if this is your first time purchasing a Double Doodle or if you have owned one in the past. I hope you found this article as a good starting point in acquiring Double Doodle puppies for sale. Of course, you can’t go wrong with any of the breeders above.