The Small Munsterlander is a German-descended dog breed that makes an excellent hunting dog companion in the pointing and retrieving category. This is a purebred dog breed, and it is very similar to the Large Munsterlander dog breed.
Are you searching for a new puppy? If you said yes, how would you like a Small Munsterlander? Here you will find some breeders who offer Small Munsterlander puppies for sale.

How Much Does a Small Munsterlander Puppy Cost?
The good thing about hunting dog breeds is that they are not as expensive as other purebred dog breeds. You should still expect to spend between $500 to $1,000 for your Small Munsterlander puppy. Remember that you will have costs throughout your dog’s life, such as vet bills for checkups, food, and supplies.
Reputable Small Munsterlander Breeders
Are you trying to get a Small Munsterlander puppy for sale? If so, you will definitely want to purchase from a reputable breeder. Below you will see some breeders that we recommend.

Trappers Run
Keith and Carol run this kennel and have been for a long time. Keith has a background in a commercial tannery, and Carol works full-time at a taxidermy studio. They started their breeding operation off with the Brittany dog breed. They got their first one in 1984.
After over 28 years of raising the Brittany dog breed, their last dog passed away in 2012. They started researching for a new dog breed and came across the Small Munsterlander dog breed. Shortly they found out that this dog breed truly possesses all the traits they were looking for.
They built a new kennel facility for their dogs to live in. The dogs have access to the outside as well. The kennel and the breeder’s property is located in Bluffton, Ohio. They tend to have between one to two litters each year.
The breeder does express on the website how they do have a lengthy waiting list. You may have to wait until a litter or two pass until you can get your puppy. Definitely still fill out the contact form and request to be put on the waiting list.
You can do that here: on the breeder’s website and view the photos of their kennel and dogs.
Robingun Kennel
The owners of Robingun Kennel are known as one of the most proven and reputable Small Munsterlander dog breeder in the United States. They got their first Small Munsterlander in 1995 and just had to have another one. They acquired their second one in 2006. This breeder had a dream of producing Small Munsterlander puppies for sale and decided to do just that.
The goal was only to produce and breed the best dogs possible that capture the standard and ideals of the dog breed. They wanted the dogs they breed together to already be proven hunting dogs, have good temperaments, and healthy genes.
All of their dogs are registered with the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association. They are all great hunters and family companions. The breeder welcomed the first litter in 2013 and have been breeding since.
The breeder tries to plan out all breedings one to two years in advance. They accept a few applications per litter until they know exactly how many puppies they will expect. Then they will take more applications.
The best way to let the breeder know that you are interested is by emailing them and letting them know what you want in Small Munsterlander puppy. Hopefully, you won’t have to wait too long for Small Munsterlander puppies for sale. Check out the breeder’s website here:

Lavina Grove Kennel
A beautiful family runs this kennel. Rod, Lisa, and their two sons all work together, taking care of the dogs as well as their home. This family’s story starts a long time ago with Rod and his love of dogs. He had heard about the Small Munsterlander dog breed in a gun dog magazine he was reading.
After researching the breed, he had decided this was the dog breed he wanted to own. Unfortunately, it was very hard to find a breeder that had Small Munsterlander puppies for sale.
Eventually, he had heard from a friend that someone was about to have a litter of Small Munsterlander puppies, and he was able to acquire one. This is what started their kennel. They are now today breeding their own Small Munsterlander puppies for sale.
This breeder is part of the Small Munsterlander Club of North America and hunting association. They breed all of their dogs according to the breed standard. The goal is to give their customers healthy and happy dogs that can aid the owner in hunting.
If you want to get your own puppy, I suggest you fill out the contact us form on the breeder’s website. This allows the breeder to get back to you, and then you can find out more when the next litter of puppies will be born.
You can find all of this and more here:
Mustain Kennel
The next kennel that I would like to share with you is Mustain Kennel. John Mustain and his family own this kennel. He always raised a lot of dogs in his lifetime and started out with the German Shorthaired, and then he switched to the Small Munsterlander when his dog developed cancer.
That news actually took quite a toll on the family and made stop raising and breeding dogs for a while until they got their first Small Munsterlander. After that, they welcomed more dogs into their home and got their first litter in 2014.
This breeder does have a lot of upcoming litters, which means that you can possibly get on the waiting list or reserve a dog from a future litter. You will want to email the breeder or phone call them to let them know how interested you are in a Small Munsterlander puppy.
Definitely check out this breeder’s webpage here:

Small Munsterlander Rescue
Breed-specific rescues are always something you should consider; the Small Munsterlander Club of America works as a rescue. They don’t always have rescues available, but when they do, they will post them on this webpage.
When a dog ends up in a rescue, it usually means that the owner didn’t really realize that this dog breed needs a lot of exercise. You can always contact the rescue coordinator and ask for an application. Once you fill that out, the rescue will let you know when they have a dog available.
Now you have a few breeders that you can certainly contact to get your Small Munsterlander puppies for sale. Remember to always purchase from a breeder than a pet store. Let me know if you have ever heard of Small Munsterlander dog breed in the comments below.